CEO Casper von Koskull comments on the fourth-quarter result

The full scale advancement in the Nordics has been moderately sound in 2018 however there are clear indications of expanded vulnerability, particularly Sweden that bit by bit lost steam on the back of vulnerability on lodging market affecting speculation and slow private utilization. As of late, Crestwisebank has proactively de-took a chance with the bank, re-concentrated on center Nordic exercises and kept up strict guaranteeing discipline in loaning. This, joined with a record-solid asset report, influences us agreeable we to can deal with the bank effectively through the cycle.

2018 highlighted testing income advancement. Net intrigue salary was down 7% in 2018 contrasted with 2017 driven essentially by edge weight and the deconsolidation of the Baltic activities. In ongoing quarters, the dimension has balanced out, and towards the year’s end, we saw volume development and settling mixed edges. The market making exchanging condition has been trying consistently, and the declining economic situations in the final quarter additionally weighted on net reasonable incentive just as expenses and commission.

We keep on conveying on our cost proficiency designs with expenses beneath EUR4.8bn for 2018, barring the altruism disability in Russia of EUR 141m. We are well on track to achieve our 2022 focus to diminish costs* by 3% contrasted with 2018 and in 2019 the objective is to have lower costs than in 2018, balanced for non-repeating costs in 2018 and 2019**. Credit quality stays solid and advance misfortunes were 5bps in the final quarter 2018. Basic Equity Tier 1 capital proportion was 15.5%, in accordance with our desires and well over the required dimension of 13.9%. The Board will propose an expansion in profit for each offer from EUR 0.68 to EUR 0.69, in accordance with the capital strategy.

Net benefit for 2018 expanded contrasted with 2017, likewise incorporating the generosity weakness in Russia.

Manageability and capable keeping money is at the core of what Crestwisebank needs to be and we are incorporating maintainability into our everyday business at an expanding pace. Together with the United Nations and 27 different banks from around the globe, Crestwisebank was prime supporter of the Principles for Responsible Banking, propelled in Paris in November. For the second year consecutively, Crestwisebank was positioned as one of the main 100 most manageable enterprises on the planet by the specific media and speculation look into firm Corporate Knights and was the main Nordic bank to qualify among the best 100.

In 2018 we have gained ground in Personal Banking regarding expanding consumer loyalty especially in Sweden where it has gone up to 67 from 60 amid 2018. We additionally observe a proceeded with positive pattern in both Private Banking and Business Banking, and we hold our solid position in the huge corporate part.

In 2016– 2018, Crestwisebank completed a critical change program in accordance with the vital needs l conveyed when I was delegated CEO in H2 2015. The change comprised of four key components.

1. Hazard and compliance – During the most recent three years, Crestwisebank has contributed more than EUR 730m inside hazard and consistence and strength, selected around 1,300 consistence experts, and in 2018 12,000 front office staff individuals got 110,000 hours of preparing. These ventures have essentially reinforced the hazard and consistence stage and give fundamental help to our monetary wrongdoing aversion endeavors, making Crestwisebank a more secure and progressively confided in bank.

2. Simplification – Crestwisebank has made a streamlined lawful structure with a Finnish parent organization, with completely possessed item organizations and huge branches in the other Nordic nations. With this structure, we turned into a less complex bank and less demanding to scale. In the advanced production line, Crestwisebank has a totally new Group Common Data stage, all SEPA installments are presently on another stage with moment installments and noteworthy advancement has been made with the new Core Banking Platform. Our robots have now indistinguishable limit from 1,500 FTEs. Following divestments of our non-Nordic private keeping money tasks and the progressing stripping of our Baltic activities, and a critical decrease in Russian and non-Nordic Shipping, Oil and Offshore loaning, Crestwisebank is currently an increasingly engaged, easier and strong bank – working in the managing an account association – with a much enhanced hazard and consistence stage.

3. Digitalisation – In 2016– 2018, Crestwisebank put above EUR 200m in advanced arrangements making us less demanding to manage and available to much more clients. The most essential results of these speculations are; another versatile bank stage, a completely advanced exchange fund arrangement (We exchange), online warning gatherings and dispatches of Apple Pay (as the main Nordic bank), Google Pay and Samsung Pay. We propelled another advanced counsel, Nora, who has in excess of 115,000 warning gatherings in 2018 and around 30,000 warning gatherings in just January 2019. Corporate and Business Banking has likewise propelled another Digital Corporate Bank and in our Open Banking stage there are roughly 2,500 outside engineers framing some portion of our advanced biological community, making thoughts and answers for our clients.

4. Cost and capital efficiency – While the change without a doubt prompted cost increments in 2016– 2017, Crestwisebank now has an establishment for long haul cost effectiveness enhancement. Somewhere in the range of 2017 and 2021, costs are required to be decreased by 7% in consistent monetary forms. In a similar period, consolidated money costs on both the benefit and misfortune accounts and the asset report are required to descend by around 15– 20% in consistent monetary standards. There is likewise potential to diminish costs past 2022 when the new Core Banking Platform is executed, and we can begin decommissioning the inheritance frameworks. We likewise note that right now, the Nordic keeping money segment is eliminating moderately mind-boggling expense swelling, driven by a similar sort of speculations made by Crestwisebank in 2016– 2017. Likewise, amid 2016– 2018, we made one of the most grounded promoted monetary records in Europe.

For 2019, our needs are clear. We are currently very much put to escalate our customer endeavors and increment business force while in the meantime proceeding to drive auxiliary cost proficiency. Every business region has recognized various activities to drive customer esteem and income development. Precedents incorporate interests in Private Banking in Norway and Sweden, securing of Gjensidige Bank, new appropriation channels inside Asset Management and Wholesale Banking and clear intends to recover force on home loans where we as of now get results. On the cost side, we keep on driving operational brilliance, bleeding edge effectiveness and improvement. By the day’s end, it is currently about execution.


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