Privacy policy​

Privacy policy

  • This Privacy approach covers the accompanying regions:
  • What individual information we gather
  • How we may utilize your own information and the legitimate reason for doing as such
  • Computerized basic leadership
  • Who we may reveal your own information to
  • How we ensure your own information
  • Your security rights
  • Treats
  • To what extent we keep your own information
  • How changes to this Privacy Policy and the Cookies arrangement will be made
  • Reaching us or the information assurance expert

Crestwisebank is completely dedicated to ensuring your individual rights and protecting your own information. In this Privacy Policy we depict the accumulation, utilization, stockpiling and sharing practices of individual information. Inside the Crestwisebank Group, the information controller will be Crestwisefin Bank Abp or potentially the Crestwisebank company(ies) you have your association with. Subtleties of the controllers can be found on our website pages.

We process people’s close to home information for various reasons. When we compose «you», we mean you as a client, a potential client, our client’s worker or other important gatherings, for example, helpful proprietors, approved delegates, corporate cardholders and related gatherings.

1. What individual information we gather

Individual information is as a rule gathered specifically from you or created as a major aspect of the utilization of our administrations and items. Now and then extra data is required to stay up with the latest or to confirm data we gather.

The individual information we gather can be assembled into the accompanying classes:

Distinguishing proof data: national ID number and name. We are obliged to gather documentation of such data, for example as duplicates of your international ID, driver’s permit, or something like that.

Contact data: telephone numbers and addresses, including postal location – on account of an outside location, additionally the nation of origin.

Monetary data: sort of assention, value-based information, record of loan repayment, protection history.

Data identified with lawful necessities: nation of tax assessment or outside citizen reference, client due constancy and hostile to illegal tax avoidance prerequisites.

Extraordinary Categories of Data: for instance data concerning wellbeing is required for some protection explicit items gave from the Crestwisebank life and benefits organizations and data on worker’s organization enrollment identified with certain credit items.

Individual information we may gather from you:

We gather data you give straightforwardly to us. For instance, while turning into another client, we gather individual information, for example, name, national ID number, email address and telephone number, salary and obligation data to probably give you the item or administration being referred to. Crestwisebank additionally gathers data which you give us, for example, messages you have sent us, for example criticism or a demand in our computerized channels. Calls and talk discussions with you may likewise be recorded and logged for check of requests, documentation, and for quality and enhancement purposes. For security purposes, we may have cameras in our branch workplaces and ATMs.

Individual information that we may gather from outsiders:

Freely accessible and other outside sources; register held by legislative offices, (for example, populace registers and registers held by expense experts, organization enlistment workplaces, requirement specialists, and so forth.), authorize records (held by universal associations, for example, the EU and UN just as national associations, for example, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)), registers held by FICO score offices and other business data suppliers giving data on for example gainful proprietors and politically uncovered people.

Regarding installments, we gather data from remitters, shops, banks, installment specialist organizations and others.

Wellbeing information from wellbeing foundation (for our Life and Pension organizations)

From different elements in the Crestwisebank Group or different elements which we work together with.

2. How we may utilize your own information and the legal reason for doing as such

We utilize your own information to conform to legitimate and legally binding commitments just as to furnish you with offers, counsel and administrations.

Going into and organization of administration and item understandings (execution of an agreement)

The primary reason for our preparing of individual information is to gather, check, and procedure individual information preceding giving an offer and going into an agreement with you just as archiving, regulating and finishing undertakings for the execution of agreements.

Instances of the execution of an agreement:

forms expected to for example open a record or online administration or for conceding a card or a credit

client administration amid the agreement time frame

conceivable foundation, exercise or barrier of lawful cases and accumulation system.

Satisfaction of necessities and commitments for us expressed in laws, directions or choices from experts and directors (legitimate commitment)

Notwithstanding the execution of agreement, preparing of individual information likewise happens for us to satisfy our commitments under law, different directions or expert choices.

Instances of preparing because of legitimate commitments:

Know Your Customer prerequisites

Counteracting, identifying, and exploring illegal tax avoidance, psychological oppressor financing, and extortion

Authorizations screening

Accounting directions

Answering to impose experts, police specialists, authorizations experts, supervisory experts

Hazard the executives commitments, for example, credit execution and quality, capital sufficiency, and protection dangers

Installment administration necessities and commitments

Different commitments identified with administration or item explicit enactments, for instance securities, reserves, guarantee, protection or home loan enactment

Promoting, item and client examination (genuine intrigue)

Individual information is likewise handled with regards to promoting, item and client examinations. This handling shapes the reason for promoting, process-, business-and framework improvement, including testing. This is to enhance our item extend and advance our client contributions. This may likewise include profiling (see beneath).

We have an authentic enthusiasm to utilize profiling for instance when leading client examination for advertising purposes or observing exchanges so as to recognize cheats.


There are circumstances when we will request your agree to process your own information. Instances of such circumstances are preparing of installment exchange information for showcasing purposes, or for some handling of uncommon classes of information. The assent will contain data on that particular preparing action. In the event that you have offered agree to a preparing of your own information you can generally pull back the assent.

3. Computerized basic leadership

We may now and again utilize mechanized basic leadership, on the off chance that it is approved by enactment, on the off chance that you have given an unequivocal assent or on the off chance that it is vital for the execution of an agreement, , for instance computerized credit endorsement process in the online channels. You can generally ask for a manual basic leadership process rather, express your assessment or challenge choice dependent on computerized preparing, including profiling, if such a choice would deliver legitimate impacts or generally correspondingly fundamentally influence you.

When utilizing computerized basic leadership we will furnish you with additional data about the rationale required, just as the hugeness and the visualized outcomes to you.

4. Who we may unveil your own information to

We may impart your own information to others, for example, specialists, Crestwisebank Group organizations, providers, installment specialist organizations and colleagues. Before sharing we will dependably guarantee that we regard significant money related industry mystery commitments.

To satisfy administrations and assentions we need to uncover data about you. On the off chance that, for instance you have requested that we exchange reserves, we have to reveal certain data to satisfy that exchange.

Outsiders and Crestwisebank Group organizations

To give our administrations, for instance credit exchange, we unveil information about you that is important to recognize you and play out a task or concurrence with organizations that we participate with so as to play out our administrations. These administrations incorporate, however not restricted to, secure recognizable proof arrangements in the significant nation and between gatherings in the money related framework, for example, national banks, exchange recipients and clearing houses.

We additionally uncover individual information to specialists to the degree we are under statutory commitment to do as such. Such specialists incorporate expense experts, police specialists, implementations specialists and supervisory experts in important nations.

Also, information are unveiled, with your assent or if this is allowed in accordance with enactment, inside in Crestwisebank Group and to outside colleagues (counting journalist banks, different banks, merchant accomplices of money item and re-back up plans). So as to give our administrations, we may likewise uncover information to other insurance agencies, reinsurance organizations and administration organizations inside the field of all things considered concurred word related annuities.

We have gone into concurrences with chosen providers, which incorporate handling of individual information for us. Precedents thereof are providers of IT advancement, upkeep, facilitating and support.

Third nation exchanges

Now and again, we may likewise exchange individual information to associations in alleged third (nations outside of the European Economic Area). Such exchanges can be made whether any of the accompanying conditions apply;

the EU Commission has chosen that there is a sufficient dimension of insurance in the nation being referred to, or

other proper shields have been taken, for instance the utilization of the standard legally binding provisions (EU demonstrate statements) endorsed by the EU Commission or the information processor has substantial Binding Corporate Rules (BCR) set up, or

that there are exemptions in extraordinary circumstances, for example, to satisfy an agreement with